The Side Effects of Moonlighting During Working Hours
Employment Contracts Krina Mahaisuria Employment Contracts Krina Mahaisuria

The Side Effects of Moonlighting During Working Hours

With the increase in remote and hybrid work arrangements, employers are increasingly being faced with situations where employees have taken on “side hustles” or “side gigs.” In Dove v Destiny Media Technologies Inc., 2023 BCSC 1032, the Supreme Court of British Columbia found that an employer had “just cause” to terminate a full-time employee who worked on a side business during working hours.

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Enhanced Protections for Remote Workers and Increased Fines under Bill 79
Legislative Updates, Remote Work Patrick Watson Legislative Updates, Remote Work Patrick Watson

Enhanced Protections for Remote Workers and Increased Fines under Bill 79

On March 13, 2023, the Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development announced proposed amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (the “ESA”) and other related statutes under Bill 79, the Working for Workers Act, 2023. This is the third iteration of this Act responding to the changing realities of the modern workplace, principally in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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‘Tis the Season…For Vaccine Policies
COVID-19, Workplace Policies Zoya Alam COVID-19, Workplace Policies Zoya Alam

‘Tis the Season…For Vaccine Policies

It’s cold and flu season and after recent years, we can probably include COVID-19 in the list. After the availability of COVID-19 vaccines in 2021, we saw many employers introduce mandatory vaccine policies (“MVPs”) in order to comply with their obligations under health and safety legislation and manage their workforce in the middle of a pandemic.

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